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Parasite prints and Mind Control Podcast.

The podcast should start automatically, if not, be sure to press the play button as the art is meant to coincide with the philosophy we explore…

Ben Axiom the Tantra Punk

Ben is a long time activist and poet. His roots in the underground run deep with his involvement with Axiom and the Gain Mind Movement as well as Resistant Culture. All worth deeper inspection however today we focus on Ben’s transformation as a multidimensional soul being.
You can buy prints of this image –Here
Ben and I explore some deep stuff in this podcast. Most specifically the existence of these parasitic thought forms that gnaw at your mental being. They can infest and inhabit and obsess the energetic body of an unprotected human. These insectoid creatures are feeding off the aspects of the conscious that is lost during times of mental or physical duress.
This image above depicts how we can become energetically over run and must summon all of our willpower to escape the swarming hordes of soul sucking parasites. This image is originally from my Book of Illustrations Still in print-Here.
As Ben explains from his kundalini activation experiences, his vision of what these parasitic creatures matches the types of images that I have drawn here. According to Bens own transcendental journeys, these things are to be reckoned with as a spiritual practice. 

Above is a depiction of how one or more of these entities can over-run the energetic body system blocking and diverting energy from the vortex points of the chakras. In some cases this can keep us psychically blinded and physically weakened. This drawing comes from Ben’s own visionary experience.

Ben suggests that as a spiritual shamanic practice we all engage in the physical removal of these parasitic thought beings and replace them with soul retrieval techniques. The most important part of soul retrieval is the breath. Take the light upon every breath deep into the heart and blast any dark spots you see in your aura, or even physically remove it with your hands using your third eye to see them. Visualize seeing yourself as a crystal clear being. Some times focusing light through the breath on dark spots will unleash a storm of emotions, old memories and or strange visions.

These experiences may feel overwhelming but remembering the breath, and the living light being upon the breath, and taking that breath into the heart will assist in all aspects of integration. Sometimes traumatic experiences from our past build up as blockages, and actual chunks of our soul get locked in time in those experiences. We need to call back through time, through all of the dimensions those little fragile shards of ourselves. On every breath that we take in the light we offer forgiveness and healing and gratitude for those experiences which hurt us, and we accept those aspects of ourselves that are still experiencing those pains. We reintegrate and heal. We advance by reconnecting all the fractured aspects of our soul and bring more of our soul into our body each day with the breath. Breathing deeply through the nose and meditation on these techniques will aid in spiritual growth, healing and over all sense of well being and peace.

Prints of this image are available here

I hope you took some time to listen to the podcast and that it was of assistance to you.

The ideas and artwork in this blog are going to be in my brand new book of illustrations. This book is my first full length endeavor as front to back manuscript of all the techniques and thoughts applied in my blogs along with the newest illustrations which I have created to depict these ideas and multidimensional experiences. Subscribe to my blog for further updates about my new book!

The following is also a good resource



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New Illustrations and Geometric Patternings

 What am I up to? Lots of art, patterns and illustration.
Here are some of the newest art works and endeavors which I am in the process of. The following is from the project I was inking just last night.

Using these Staedtler pens, instead of my usual Micron felt tips.
I decided that I prefer Microns, I believe that the Microns use real India Ink, resulting in a richer black tone.
This quality of ink is key.
I will return to my Microns on the next project.
Speaking of returning, it evokes that deja vou notion of Infinite Recursion.
The repeating module of an infinite fractal reality seems to superimpose itself onto this template of dimensionality.
This experience hints at something vastly more significant
as one finds themselves with one foot in this place, and another deeply immersed in the sublime.
These concepts are of great caliber

Over lapping multidimensional consciousness emanating from the parallel incarnate lives of some incomprehensible oversoul.
Perhaps closer Listening will open those elusive portals of perception.
Though one must be warned of what voices truly lie behind the veil of the unknown and expansive

Up close on the face of chaos, a formless void dreaming itself into our dimension, permeating our reality one slimy chaos tentacle at a time.
Stay tuned to my INSTAGRAM
To see more progress

Here I am in the middle of inking “Lost in the mystery of the Void”

The final version. Check out more of my art for THE MIDNIGHT GHOST TRAIN
Stay tuned to my INSTAGRAM
To see progress

I was once told by a Gnostic that the artwork which I create also works as a type of doorway.
The creatures which I draw exist on some other level and use my illustrations as a vehicle to permeate our world.
As I draw, the energies connecting to my subconscious step into manifestation, a para-reality tiptoe.

A profound inking experience.

Success for what ever consciousness tapped into mine, as its device is now ready transmit its unknown pandimensional intent.
This is a close up of the neo geometric Light of the Morning Star. Perhaps more of a PORTAL, or window into another relm.
Suggesting that the light, is in the mind.
Very real, very metaphysical, implying that the Pineal DEVICE is more of a bio mechanical technology rather than a simple gland.
How does one activate such a device?
Meditation and inward vision lends well to this awakening.
The Full finished Version for the band LARVAE

Some other Sketches


Collapsing wave functions as one milks ones own DMT through self lucidity



Sixth Dimensional Energy Downloads and Transmissions


I have new DESIGNS FOR SALE for all of your band needs or design hungers
Click bellow for more info and available designs

Like a window into the sixth dimension

This is a perfect tiled back ground for your computer
Download and apply!


 LIKE IT!!!!