You may know David Wilcock as one of the researchers on the History channels Ancient Aliens program. His research bridges the gap between science and spirituality. Now that his new book is released, “Messages from the Sourcecode” I am able to post some of the art that I worked on for him to illustrate some of his concepts. The book is actually a greatly compelling read and I am totally proud to have been a part of it. Below are a couple of the images that were used.
Here is a Drawing of the enigmatic light emanating pine cone necklace of the mysterious feathered serpent deity Quetzalcoatl
These are the plutonic solids, which I drew by hand.
This is Pope John Paul displaying the pineal gland symbology encoded on the papal staff. This staff is passed down to the every leader of the very mysterious earth cult called Catholocisim. (A different version was used in the book)
This is the PROJECT LOOKING glass device, theory suggests that a secret Cabal within the United States Military Complex uses this technology that was reverse engineered from remnants of the Roswell Crash in 1947 to look forward and backwards through time.
From the printed page of David Wilcocks book
For more information about all of these illustrations and concepts, I recommend you pick up the new book by David Wilcock. Here is some more info about that.
Recently Phil Anselmo was seen touring with Down with my Baphomet art which I did for the Arkansas black metal band called HYMNS
I used to give these to people all the time as stickers before I ran out, and i find it interesting the variety of reactions I get from handing these out. There is allot of misunderstanding surrounding the Baphomet. I have even experienced people refusing to accept them on account of their cristian faith, which I respect. I find this interesting that people have such a deep rooted fear of an image which they believe represents “the devil”.
This is not an EVIL image.
Lets take a little initiation. The Baphomet image is not from the church of satan nor does it embody any negative principles at all. In fact, it was first drawn by a CATHOLIC priest who was also a Kabalist named Eliphas Levi. At its heart, this is a QABALISTIC image, or KABALISTIC. Kabalah is an ancient form of Jewish mysticism that was held secret for thousands of years by the high priests from Egypt who passed the torch to the temples of Greece and held lit by the Moors. You may ask your self, why is a Jewish mysticist posing as a Catholic priest. This only begins a conversation which we will not persue on the cult of Catholicism and their Judeaic origin and how that relates to egypt and the Tarot. Even more mysterious and debatable is how the concept of Baphomet came to the Knights Templars by way of the crusades. It is known that the Islamic people were the culture who kept the torch of enlightenment burning through the metaphoric night while European and Nordic cultures were deep asleep in the dark ages. After the crusades, Europe had its Renaisance and Enlightenment periods where we saw great cathedrals and empires spring from the ashes of a decayed Roman empire with the holders of Solomons Key at the center of the great building work. This is also when ALCHEMY took root as the science and divination tool of the monarchy and spiritual adepts.Alchemy is a type of Western Shamanism based on Egyptian symbols and terms in which the golden soul is raised from the impurities of material man. The Goat of Mendes
The TAROT is where this ominous image of “THE DEVIL” spawned from, and how the unenlightened view the creator of evil in the world, which is really man. Yes human beings are the ones that create evil in this world, see how we are chained to it. It is part of our animalistic aspect, our lower self. This is why the Devil is part beast, like the Pan. This is a warning about using the power of source for the left hand path, everything turns upside down, when focused on our lust, envy, or selfishness.
So what is encoded within this image and how does it relate to Jewish Mysticism?
Lets start with the tree of life.
There is vast knowledge here. To put it simply, this is a spiritual map, or a layman’s key to understanding a hyperdimensional physics and path of soul incarnation and experience in the physical third dimension. If you find that hard to swallow, then why would you be afraid of the Baphomet anyway? I find it interesting that people who claim that the possibility of an immortal reincarnating soul is just fairy tale while in the same breath shy away from images they judge as “satanic”.
For centuries Alchemists and Magicians have been drawn to the enigmatic and mystifying beauty of the Baphomet image. There is something to it, some deeper mystery waiting to be discovered and understood. Here is part of it.
The Tree of life is programmed into the Baphomet as such.
Every part of the Bapmomet lines up with a Sephiroth, or aspects of the Tree of life. Studying and understanding these spheres of influence and how they apply to the human body will not only greatly increase your connection to your own personal intuition and intellect but also your Highest self, or Kether.
The most important aspect of the Baphomet is noticing what he is doing with his hands.
This is the Key to Solomon’s Wisdom. This is straight out of the Bible. It is talking about the Holographic nature of the universe. That what is in heaven is also below, on Earth. All you need is to look at the swirling complexities of a galaxy cluster and the the way a proton and electron circles a neutron within our own selves and you arrive at a sense of the repeating fractal nature of reality . “The Power of Ten” is an amazing illustration of how this applies to our third dimensional reality, brought to us by our pyramid friends at IBM.
So we see ourselves in the center of the Tree of Life with two “Pillars” on either side. Above is the higher consciousness, coming from a different dimension, one without limitation. We ourselves are grounded within the animal kingdom, or dimension, between the polarities of good and evil. Between the Pillars of Jachin and Boaz
These are the two pillars that support the Arch that connects all. They are the BASE of Understanding. If you want to understand it, you have to stand under it. This is Severity and Compassion, the light and the dark, the Yin and Yang. If you want to keep allot of information stored, you need to build a reinforced structural foundation, the pillars, if built well, will hold strong. In between is where we find our intuition, our inner voice…
The Moon is the aspect of the high priestess who speaks to us in dreams. She is the quiet voice, she is in fact holding the key secret under her veil, only partially revealed to the casual passersby. The Priestess completes the teaching of Solomon with “AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT”. This is pointing to the law of attraction, that the world will only be a reflection of your attitudes towards it. For her, the two pillars are topped with the Sephiroth known as Binah and Chockman, which is Love and Creativity. The High Priestess also encodes the Tree of Life in the tapestry behind her. Always the secrets are in plain site, but only if you have eyes to see. The “Occult” or “Hidden” truth is given through initiation. Only then are you granted passage beyond the veil of the Exoteric, or outer teaching, to the land of the Esoteric where greater wisdom is perceived.This very image is where the Catholic “Virgin Marry” came from. Not hard to believe now that we know that It was a Catholic Kabalist who gave us the Baphomet in the first place. Lets talk more about perception.
The Baphomet points to FEAR
On the Tree of Life the Sephiroth called “GEBURAH” translates to english as FEAR. He is pointing out your fear, and just as Samson with his strength tore down the two pillars to which he was chained, so must we gather our own strength to overcome our fears, prejudice and judgement, even our more material trappings like addiciton. This is how we release our intuition, our inner High priestess, and start thinking with our KETHER or higher mind. Notice where the “FOUNDATION” lies. The virtue of the Devil is in his loins. THE STAFF OF CADUCEUS encodes the secrets of the energy vortex points of the human body. This is seen in the hands of the Egyptian deity Hermes/Thoth who brings this knowledge from heaven to earth. Where the Serpents cross is symbolic of the seven seals, or seven Chakras that are Sealed within humans, and must be “activated”. The serpents are raising out the base, called “YESOD” or root Chakra, which is a Sanscrit term meaning “wheel of energy” or “vortex”. This is KUNDALINI, or the Creative energy of the universe that we are to raise from the Lower Natures through the spine and into the TEMPLE or Crown. I stress you practice Kundalini yoga for yourself and feel this SEETHING serpent or PRANIC energy awaken within your own body. You can truly feel this energy move through all of your chakras, and stimulating your
All of the Chakras are related to a gland in the body. Your Third Eye vision emanates from and actually IS a small gland that lies in the exact center of your brain. It sort of resembles a pine cone in texture and shape. This gland secrets DMT which is what causes you to dream. It is also the main hallucinogen in Shamanic tools like Ayuhasaca and Magic Mushrooms. You should be very aware of what this naturally occorring substance does to your perception and that it is the very reason you are able to visualize images in your mind. It is the seat of the soul and your I-MAGI-NATION. Which is why we see a PINE CONE at the top of the PINDAR.
This is the knife in the chalice. We impose our will on the universe by summoning ideas from the void of mind and manifest them into physical reality. This is the alchemy of the artist. This is reference to the power of creation in physical world, the power of life, above just a sexual desire. So we are talking about temperance, overcoming the desires of our lower natures in attempts to focus and to raise that energy into your head. The goal is to stimulate the pineal gland to secret DMT into the spinal column, and this opens you to inspiration and the power to manifest.
This is tapping into source, this is the path of the sorceror, he who flows with the source of all creation.
This is the REBELLION.
Now we see that spire coming out of the Baphomets head, seemingly on fire, this the light, the wisdom of Lucifer, the Rebel. Once you have your pineal gland activated, it is very difficult to be subservient to any power other than your own. The self realized initiate will by definition be master of his own ship, and
never a pawn.
This is why the Magician is so drawn to the image of the Baphomet. It is the truest symbol of sovereignty and initiation. It is not a symbol of evil, it is the opposite. It is an ancient metaphor for self realization and self actualization. Perhaps this is why those who wish to control would demonize such activity. If you would like to read more about this I have an entire section dedicated in my book “DAWNING of THE MIND” available now… ORDER HERE
Finally this “SPLATTER THRASH ULTRAREV” board is available to the public from NIGHT MARE snowboards. The Colorado based snowboard company is hosting a series of signature boards for their sponsored snowboarders. I created the imagery for Ryan McCoy’s own custom SPLATTER THRASH nightmare board. Check out my hand drawn RMcCOY logo.
I was approached by former Raise the Red Lantern Drummer Joe Suda to develop a graphic for NIGHTMARE SNOWBOARDS! See the finished Snowboard here. He specifically requested a battle between a Bear , Octopus, Wolf and Shark… In Space.
Finished now, the Splatter Thrash board is a huge success!!!Here You can see the board as it exists fresh off the press. At the heavyshred blogspot you can see more previews and read a bit about the process of making it.ORDER YOUR OWN finished Snowboard here.
Scroll down to see about getting your own FREE STICKERS!
A starchild no doubt
They believed the sacrifice was needed to appease the demons, a necessary tax in their view. There is no light without darkness and no darkness with out light. They exist together like the air.
Speaking of the air, I now have BAPHOMET stickers for you! Send a S.A.S.E. to
Tom Denney
974 E Figueroa Terr. Apt 4.
Los Angeles, Ca. 90012
I will fill it with fun stuff and send it back promptly
I have been working allot it seems, can’t get it all done fast enough.
Here are is a piece I am working on for NYMPHOTOMY
Did you know there is an updated version of my book? Tom Denney Illustration Vol1 edition 2. Now with 90 full color pages, it has allot to look at and every page is glossy and can be made into a wall hanging or gift for a friend. Help support by ordering here.
I am also working on my second book which will have less pages but be much cheaper with only the newest images.
Lots of stuff in the works. Here is a video I just did for my solo music project CYPHLON
Follow the link to watch CYPHLON-“BUESWIFF”
Finished the layout for UNFALLEN-“Paranoia Epidemic”
You can see the art in my portfolio page
I JUST saw a bunch of indy short films at Shockfest last night that had 30thousand dollar budgets and kinda sucked story wise, so it reminded me of MY short film which had a budget of $12 but was very successful…this is a HORRIBLE MOVIE mind you but it has a very important moral lesson at the end. It is the story of a vietnam vet being interviewed by a college thesis researcher and the connection they build with eachother…
As you may or may not know I JUST moved back to LA after being in CHICAGO for the summer with I KLATUS! We finished our new record and performed a series of shows. I will have more video of that posted latter. As I am somewhat still in transit, staying at odd places, access to editing time has been limited to say the least. I do have something from one of our studio sessions.
Please view it HERE
Needless to say I have still kept very busy and should make better attempts to update this website with things like this baphomet/heirophant
And this
And yes all of these images are sold! Tune in Next time when I will have more I KLATUS video and noise.
THE HIVE gallery with the 3rd Eye Gathering!
At the ROXY on the fabulous miracle mile in LOS ANGELES
Tony Koehl and I sharing an Easel.
Something different
For more pictures and info go to
Yes, I know I haven’t posted new art in a while…but there is a good reason, which I will not tell you.
Also, the doctor bills from my poison ivy experience have come in, and it ain’t pretty. Read my POISON EYEVY blog for details. It would be quite awesome of you, the viewer of this art, if you enjoy, to help support me in this time…best way is by purchasing some of my AWESOME limited edition swag!
I am a big fan of Max Igan and part of his contribution to this planet as of late is his American Voice Radio. He uses allot of great Images and in his newest broadcast he used one of my pieces of art to exemplify his message. Maxwell is sort of a spiritual warrior artist, film maker, researcher and novelist, and it fills me with a certain confidence and corroboration that he was drawn to my art out of the blue, and used it as part of a collage with a positive and spiritual message.
This is the full image
I don’t know if I will ever know what his interpretation would be,but it certainly has the four season, primal mother self abatement motif inspired by our worldly situation.
I highly recommend giving a listen to the video below and going to the there is ALLOT of fantastic mind blowing info from an artists perspective. I recommend his FREE book about the mysteries of the world entitled EARTHS FORBIDDEN SECRETS
Very compelling and WAY BETTER THAN JERSEY SHORE!!!
A long time ago, fellow illustrator John Santos Jr. and I decided to do a collaboration of art together. I did my half, and after much time, Santos finished his.
Here is the resulting work;
Poster prints will be made available in march by BLACKBIRD clothing! JOHN SANTOS: The image is interesting because we see the feminine anima figure, or projection of the feminine being attacked by carion and shadow structures. Just recently I did a podcast with LA artist Joe Torres where we talk about these shadows that persist in daily life and influence us subconsciously. The Gnostics would call these archons.
Listen to our one hour discussion:
I am very excited to be offering my first promo package of the new decade!
NEW 2010 PACK!!!
The Four horsemen of the apocalypse are some of the most iconic figures from the mysterious book of Revelations. Interpreted differently through out the centuries, I was given the chance to render my own. This is from my modern perspective.
John, apostle of Jesus had a vivid trans-dimensional encounter which downloaded him with horrible images of our world at its’ end. Each rider is symbolic of a particular scourge of humanity. With the Orwellian big brother scenario at our doorstep and the rapidly increasing earth changes feverishly in effect it is easy to recognize the signs. We are living in amazing times, very exciting to be living through this very real Armageddon .It promises to touch every one of us in some personal way, yet to be revealed.
PESTILENCE-The modern locust, the breaking down of our immune system with GM food engineering, daily chemical dousing from chemtrails to fluoride and flu vaccines. The barrage of bio warfare can’t be denied. We are at the mercy of big brothers political agenda.
CONQUEST-What greater than the sublimation of our personal divinity to that of a hijacked religious institution which teaches that we are all born with sin, and inherently evil. Thusly severing any sense of a connection with the divine. We need a new church, one that combines the left and right of Quantum Science and the earth-tune shamanism of old. What great truths about ourselves would be relearned?
WAR-an ancient principle that pits brother against brother while the hidden agenda makes the top players rich. Where would things go if this was crossed off the list of options for problem solving? Or at the very least, if everyone refused to kill in the name of someone else or under order of a rulling figure.
DEATH-Saturated with fear, actually a transition state, no different than the dream world. If we would stop being afraid, it would loose all hold, and we could see through it.
Here is how the geometry fits See where the pentagon lays
I am no cartographer, but this should illustrate my intent. “The lands west of the Euphraties”.