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Painting the set of MIRK RIDERS

Visionary Director David Becker brought me on board to paint the set of his Pho-Black Metal Desert Rock doomchick band psychedelic travel witchy sisterhood film MIRK RIDERS.

The idea was to create a seedy, abusive alcohol alley aesthetic where the girls in the band have their back stage encounter with the drug crazed club owner.

The goal was to make it look aged and decrepit.

Here is Jaimie Bernadette wearing my hoodie on the finished Set
Here is Dave shooting his masterpiece

An actual scene from the movie

On set with the cast and crew including Dan Buran and Jim VanBebber (quite an experience being on set with Van Bebber) Also Victoria Taylor (No Taboo) And Joe Boscoe of the Bottle Chain, and the Damage Done

Check out DavidBeckers’s”MIRK RIDERS”

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Sadgiqacea Poster Print Available

I now have available solid grey poster prints with actual Gold ink!

Sadique, Tom Denney Art, Cyphlon

Check out this hand printed, hand numbered poster print of the Sadgiqacea/Hivelords show flyer. Made available now thanks to Earsplitters! The textured gold print makes it worth its weight in antimatter.

Tom Denney Art

It began as most things do, an idea, a ruff sketch. After time, the lines are rendered and it becomes more defined, more tangible.

The Raw Data, the black and white Ink, white like innocence, black like death.

Then the printing

This makes a great wall hanging. Its reflective nature lends itself to limitless meditation and transcendental thought provoking multifractal aspects of consideration. The symbols and movements stimulate glans within the brain for decoding and unlocking ancient forgotten powers from within. The twin serpents will activate your own innate primordial alchemy. Makes a fantastic x-mas present. Delivered to you rolled and shiny.

Now Available for $22.20 ! 

Dream Hope

Dont miss out on this opportunity to own one of only 50 hand printed gold foil posters.



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GRAY MATTER- New film with creatures based on my designs

I have been working with the amazingly talented RED CLARK who is a prolific film maker from Chicago who is adapting Horror Lord Stephen Kings story “GRAY MATTER”.
When it came time to developing the monster and aesthetic for the film, Red initially came to me for preliminary concept art and sketches to help bring this project to full manifestation. Below is a picture of the actual spider being built at the prop house. You can see the stages of how it went from my original art work into this stunning real life incarnation. This amazing animatronic was made by Kevon Ward

Here is the AMAZING trailer for “GRAY MATTER” and you can see the spider in action!

The original concept art I did based upon the writing of Stephen King.

 Here is RED CLARK talking about the project and the steps of making it happen. “Lets take and adventure together”

Here are some of the early stages of sketch work I did while working with Red Clark to bring “GRAY MATTER”
Into reality.

Here are some other concept sketches for GREY MATTER 

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NAGUAL SUN is the Los Angeles based psychadelic DOOM band in which I play a roll
These are some of our new demo tracks

Nagual Sun is performing next MONDAY JULY 1ST with some true heavyness
SemtextVest and Oryx


Here is a video of Nagual Sun performing “Moment of Devastation”
from last weeks show.

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SECRET KNOWLEDGE occult magazine

Available NOW
Long  months were spent toiling in darkness to weave this torch of illumination. I have been honored to be working with another artist on a book of Occult Science, Philosophy and Cryptohistory. Finally this first mind melting volume is available for your enhancement.

Get your own today for only $6
Highly detailed illustrations and articles containing over 90pages of content
printed on archival paper with UV coated perfect bound printing

Here is a great 90 minute interview I did with SECRET KNOWLEDGE occult magazine creator Stephen Bower . We go deep into his explanations of his epic illustrations and artistic method as well as his reasons for putting together this venerable compendium of occult symbols and teachings. We talk about his views and intent which drove him into combining all of this information into a single easy to read volume and releasing it onto the world.
Check out some of Stephen’s artwork which we talk about
at length in the video as it is featured in the magazine
Mind blowing hand drawn illustrations along side articles which describe geometric principles and natures of reality which helps a beginner to esoteric knowledge grasp the roots of its hidden teachings. Adepts too can appreciate.

Here is a preview of my own art and article in SECRET KNOWLEDGE occult magazine
It ties together the past with the present and how these principles affect you in your own daily life.
It is not talked about in the book, so I wanted to take this opportunity to dissect the hidden meanings and decode the symbology behind this most disturbing of images. In addition to my in depth essay there is also this illustration which demonstrates the totem of the last wing of the Bush bloodline.
It is an interesting possibility that the former head of the CIA was using occult methods developed by German Nazis in the 1940s to aid and abed his success and continue his bloodline legacy in intelligence and politics and economics, in total manipulation of world affairs and agendas. We see the great winged beast of Babylon atop of this grousome totem, some pan dimensional entity whose mouthpiece writhing with tentacles and shadowy claws from the nether regions expresses himself as the infamous Prescott Bush who was the personal liaison to the Nazi German and American banks in the 30s and 40s. Could it be true that one generation of Bush after another is initiated into this multidimensional system of mind control which plays itself out on the world stage? Are these the symbols which they use to envoke the council and guidance of such a purulent entity using precise solar alignments and geometric symbols to contain such malevolent and mal-intended energies?  It takes only the slightest investigation and instinct to be aware of the most nefarious doings of the Bush lineage. If there were some pandimensional demon or Arhon envoked in what ever scull and bones or passed down magical ritual, the Bush family would have to be high on the list of suspects for this form of bloodline possession. Their mind coltrol and CIA techniques would then potentially be channeled from an entity outside of time, and just beyond the veil of our reality, pulling the strings on our world affairs, affecting us daily, every moment, from when we use our bank cards or show our IDs at the airport, squeezing us, twisting our perceptions while molding a false reality and mocking us from just beyond the perimeter of the shadow.
Stephen Bower and I explore this and much much more in the new
SECRET KNOWLEDGE occult magazine vol. 1
It is totally worth your $6
for just the art alone. Please view the above interview for more info or go to. 

Here is a link to the ORIGINAL video interview I did with Stephen Bower which has MORE ART and his description of his intent behind it. The audio is a little glitchy but if you are interested check it here

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Semjase “The Golden Angel” is a geometrical principal with its own consciousness. This is a reflection of your own higher aspects. She speaks to you in visions and dreams and in this dimension through symbol and metaphor. She brings healing, wisdom, experience and higher vibrational states of being. She arrives as a bringer of light which she cups in her hands above her crown, while coming to you from within the hexagonal portal, the very shape of a light particle from the sun.

Emanating from deep within the core of galactic center
Literally REFLECTIVE “The Golden Angel” is presented to you in GOLD FOIL STICKER format. Bring the light into your own life with these NEW STICKERS which SHINE in the SUN. The Metaphor is fulfilled.

The compassionate gaze of
“The Golden Angel”
will literally reflect your own golden aspects while skrying into its flawless surface.
When you order this sticker pack you will also receive
“The High Priestess” sticker  to compliment your collection

“The High Priestess” coming from the TAROT is the BALANCE  of the light and dark. She stands between the two pillars holding the stillness TEMPERANCE. She presents the symbols of the sun and moon while projecting her true nature, robes made of beams of light. Behind her is the pattern of the Sephiroth, or TREE OF LIFE. On your path you will encounter her love and feel the truths run from heel to head. She reminds us that it is not just white or black, but a wide spectrum of subtle tones, hues and pathways through this reality. From her perspective, which is a higher aspect of you, all pathways are clear, and all experiences are tools of learning as she guides you gently out of the labrynth. The owl is the symbol of seeing clearly in the dark. The wisdom taking flight even the most uniluminated of places. He holds the scroll which in hebrew reads “TAROT”. There are the mysteries revealed.

 Get both stickers now for Just $2.00

These stickers are GONE. Yup. No longer Available. Thanks to all who ordered!
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Designing the WIDOW clothing brand

It began as just a concept of an intention, as all good spells do. I was approached by Lip Service clothing line about their new branch of apparel that target the ever expanding occult natured Witch house sceene. They were looking for what they called a “Pho-Black Metal/Wtchy” aesthetic. I was more than happy to help with the creation of the artwork and vibe they were working towards. Firstly, the WIDOW brand logo. Just like when I design a logo for any band, I keep in mind the tone, the atmosphere which the design envokes.

I am well aware that triangles and inverted crosses are immensely trendy at the moment. I do not subscribe to the morals and ethics of any particular scene or community nor do attach myself to any do’s and don’ts associated with trends. I create because I am a creator. To create controversy is as rewarding as is creating culture. So you can choose to be offended or filled with fear at the site of inverted crosses, sigilizations and other ancient or unfamiliar symbols if you want. I find them fascinating, empowering and that they come with a deep story to tell.

Here is how the final logo looks on the label. Black on Black is key.

I was able to work on allot of cool pyschedelic geometry, brought in through meditation for the aesthetic of the first leg of branding.

A treat for your subconscious. Just looking at or wearing these sacred geometrical shapes will greatly increase brain wave activity as well as raise the vibrational tone of anyone wearing them or even in the vicinity of them. The subconscious will also recognize and react to these sacred and ancient geometrical configurations of two dimensional representations of fourth dimensional concepts and vibrational states of being.

The Goat of Mendes black on black look is kvlt as dragons breath on a frozen Icelandic shore after having been conquered by by a slew of goat worshiping long haired pagans with swords.
Baphometic Prophecies-Creepy Photoshop fx can surprise you

The Pentagram is a powerful symbol as well as a tool. This concept of combining the knees to achieve the full look is a representative of the coagula creative force of combining the left and right hemispheres of the brain in order to achieve the bridged state of unity within mind, body as well as spirit. Hidden amongst are also incantations and tombs which I also channeled. Literally I heard voices in my head which I wrote down to incorporate throughout the design to raise the level of esoteric creepiness on these leggings 23 fold.

Here is a close up of the pendulums I designed to add to the witchyness of these pentagram leggings. Also the spider webs were hand drawn.

Pendulums are serious business and I recommend serious research and education before attempting to use one in your own rituals or meditations.

Crows can often be messengers from the spirit world. Disembodied entities may take flight through or in the form of this carrion which I depict in the illustration .Shiny Black on Black with geometrical energy envocation sequences can really stir up some supernatural phenomenon if worn on certain moon alignments .

The cross is a symbol of torture and capitol punishment. I never really understood why it is so revered for its “hollyness” when in reality it is the representation of the brutal MURDER OF A DEITY. The inversion of this symbol to me word for word is a protest against deicide as well as state dictated euthanasia. If anything is satanic it is the worship of the means of the murder of god. To invert the cross in my opinion is the rebellion of the Roman instituted mind manipulation.
So invert those crosses ladies and gentlemen and support life, not deicide.

Much like the leggings where ITS RAINING BLOOD SOAKED INVERTED CROSSES. Is this the dawning of the age of lucifer? Or is this some sick cosmic joke? Because ladies everywhere seem to be down with the Kvlt much symbolized by these which I painted by hand

In the process of Lip Service forming Widow into its own freestanding brand, we were contacted by the Illuminati to create some of the very same propaganda and mind control which I saw the Vatican use in its cross mythos campaign.

We were absolutely looking at Madona as she sported this one of kind hand embroidered GREAT SEAL back patch with NOVOS ORDO SECLURUM on the banner. Knowing what all of this meant, I set straight to work designing the foundation of what would latter be the embroidered final piece. But first it had to be drawn.

I had to simulate the stich in photoshop which was interesting to figure out. I also decided to make the bricks a little cleaner with straighter lines so it would be easier for the embroidery company to do what magic they do.

Finally, Widow and the All seeing I are One. Talk about willpower.

Speaking of Egypt, here is my buddy Thoth and the gang for these holiday special Egyptian leggings

Lets get GRIMM

I basically created a fake album cover and band logo which was applied to a variety of apparel, all of which can be found at HOUSE of

Graphic design and Illustration created for WIDOW brand clothing by Tom A. Denney

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ARTBEAT in Los Angeles

I paint while bands play or while speakers talk at a variety of events. I have performed as an artist at the Roxy in hollywood, The Third Eye Gathering, Lighting in a Bottle, The Hive Gallery events,Cannibal Flower, The Conscious Life Expo, Los Angeles Murderfest and many more. I only have pictures from a few of these events which I have now compiled into this cunning blog. The following is My Own Modest Temple of ARt which travels with me

Behold some of the acrylic wonders I am able to produce under the scrutiny and awe of a live audience, as the art itself unfolds quickly in just a matter of hours, leaving spectators with a sense of entertainment and satisfaction as they see a piece begin as a blank canvas and develop into a tangible creation of art. I bring allot of energy to my live art with broad brush strokes and techniques that I don’t usually employ in my illustrations. I am available to do live art performance at any location or time, I have all my own equipment to do so. Just contact me!
My next two events will be in LA.

From bodies to Large Set Decoration. Get the whole story on painting the set of MIRK RIDERS

Painting Zelda at the Pancakes and Booze art show

Body Painting Nicki Necro for the DMT music Video

At Cannibal Flower

Painting Bodies at the Belasco