FINALLY!!! The long awaited awakening of

The CD "Surveillance and Worship" full length studio album is now available for order.
Recorded by Jackson Grimm, and Mastered by James Plotkin (Khanate)
ONLY $8.88

BIO-I Klatus is the long standing noise group bent on sonic revolution. In 2007, mastering was completed on the much unanticipated concept record being named "Surveillance and Worship". This CD is finally available for the first time.

These songs were performed live by those involved in its inception. The necrolent sonic blashpemies of cosmic potent were entered into our subjective realities-PROOF
This process is to be repeated December and January of 2008 and 2009, see the I Klatus Myspace for pictures

includes members of Yakuza,Lair of the Minotaur and Infinite Monolith of Slavery


OR downoad the mp3 here


I klatus myspace